Saturday, 14 July 2007
这几天睡到凌晨1点多2点都会醒来... 不是被蚊子叮醒, 就是热得睡不着...=.=lll 接下来就会断断续续地醒了又睡, 睡了又醒... 连续了好几天, 现在都已变了熊猫... 唉~~~ 好辛苦啊~~ *sobsob* 呃...前几天和朋友聊天聊到男女之间的问题时... 她说我的想法都偏-ve... 可是, 我觉得这是真的啊... 现在有很多弟弟妹妹都拍拖... 他们是真的喜欢对方, 还是炫耀... 我们都不懂嘛... 要不, 和我差不多年龄的... 他们都有可能是玩玩下... 就算是认真的... 大家的心智都还没成熟, 都还没有工作能力... 难道真的有情饮水饱?!?! 而对于那些在一起没多久就plan几时结婚, 几时生孩子, 生多少个也未免太早了吧... 今日不知明日事... 可能明天就分手了... 真的会长长久久吗?!?! 我不是在诅咒他们, 而是在讲事实... 可是, 我知道也有例外的...^ ^ 只是不多... 有时还蛮羡慕身边的几个朋友... 他们和另一半在一起有好几年了... 感觉上可以谈婚论嫁了... 真羡慕他们可以找到自己的另一半... 对于他们, 我衷心地祝福他们...^ ^ 对于那些心智还没成熟的朋友, 现在最好把目光集中在学业/事业... 感情的就顺其自然吧... 缘分是可遇不可求啊~~ 苦苦强求得来的是没有幸福的...
Monday, 2 July 2007
hot hot hot!!!
this few weeks very hot la... beh tahan with those weather... sweating all the day... got to bath many times in a day... gonna crazy with it liao!!! hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate!!! my class got something funny... a boy said that a girl fat... then the girl answer him... :"胖没关系, 胖是会瘦下来,可是呢,样衰却不可改变的!!!" she shoot him back... we're all agree with her... wahahaaa...^ ^ it's so经典... hahaaaa...=P
Sunday, 1 July 2007
wow...having seafood at tuk alang today!!! lunch and dinner also at there... yum yum!!!^ ^ lunch got fish, prawns, crabs, vege and so on... and dinner got fish and prawns also...but dont have crabs... (*sobsob* love it very much!!!) but still got other vege and meats... it's so 丰富!!! long long time didn't have my meals full like today... (because on diet lately...wahahaaa...=P) so scared me just now... suddently, drop a cockcroach on the table in front of me... luckily not drop on my head, if not, i'm sure will shout as loud as i can!!!! wakakaaa...^ ^ while i'm typing this post... suddently drop a cockcroach again... on the table in front of me also... i shout this time... (not very loud...hahahaa...=P) because i'm concentrate on my post... suddently............sigh... why got so many cockcroach de?!?! later i not dare to sleep le... i scare the cockcroach come out in the mid night!!! so scary le!!!! *sobsob*