Saturday, 27 October 2007
Malam Sekalung Budi
i having fun yesterday night... although not a grand dinner, but i'm happy that there are lot of nice friends... even the guys make me cry & angry... (actually they are nice guys, but just always want to make me angry...dont know why...) i'm so lucky that my president cant attend for this dinner, if not i dont have this chance to go... after eating, we're take photos around there... walk here and there... even the VIP giving speech at the stage... heheee...^^ by the way, i found that i still like the guy... he is wearing smart yesterday... quite handsome de...^^ wish to take a photo with him, but i not dare to ask him... just looked at him in the whole night... afterward, we're going yamcha together... actually i'm so happy at that time... because he is sitting opposite of me... but i not dare to look at him... he really smart, handsome, nice... the sad thing is he dont like me... and we less chatting... just twice or 3 times only since i'm in F6...
Thursday, 25 October 2007
自从进了Form6, 我的脸皮越来越薄了...
i get a job at genting after STPM... as a Front Office Assistance of First World hotel...(if not mistaken) i found that i have to pay a lot before i work... what i mean is............. i got to buy lot of things before work... the 1st thing is, make up product... it's cost expensive... i never make up before, so i have to buy the whole set of it... 2nd, i got to buy a new high heel shoes... at least 2 inchi...must black 1... it's so hard to find it...sigh~~ 3rd, got to buy some skin care and hair care product... because the wheather at there is no good for skin and hair... 4th, got to some instant food as my breakfast/supper in the coming few months... 5th, got to buy other 'lum lum sum sum' things also... i dont know is it a good choice for me work at there or not?!?! have to spend lot of money before work... sigh~~~
Thursday, 18 October 2007
最近有在收看astro的一个节目...'分手擂台' & '天堂与地狱'... 觉得男人真的是很过分...(某一部分啦...) case 1 : A君明知老婆不能生育, 把她娶回去后又去鬼混... 借口是, '你不能帮我生小孩, 我只好去找别的女人帮我生'... 他那么喜欢小孩, 就去娶个可以帮她生小孩的女人嘛... 过后为什么要用这个借口去伤害一个不能生育的女人呢...?!?! 过后又选择回老婆, 把情妇和小孩挪在一边... 这又算什么嘛...?!?! 不负责任的丈夫!!!!!!! case 2 : 美女和野兽... B君在酒店看上一个美女, 过后就对她展开追求... 而美女也急着想离开那火坑, 而答应嫁给她... 婚后, 由于老婆太美了, 而对老婆没信心... 觉得她会出轨, 给绿帽他戴... 就请司机监视她的一举一动, 过后一一报告给他听... 也不让她出外工作... 由于司机看不过去, 就劝B君要对大嫂好点... 怎知却被误会他俩有一腿... 事实上他们根本就是清清白白的嘛... 还一直强调自己有钱, 和别人不一样... 自以为有钱就了不起... 呸!!!!我鄙视他.....!!!! case 3 : 一个43岁已有妻儿的男人-C君'诱拐'18岁女孩... (我的天啊~都可以当她爸了呢!!!!) 他一直向女孩的妈妈和她保证会娶她... 一直给女孩承诺... 可是没有一件做得到... 还口口声声说爱她... 女孩还为了他休学不读书, 不听妈妈的话, 离家出走... 说实在的, 如果他真的爱她, 那么他就应该劝女孩好好读书, 要听妈妈的话...................... 如果他真的爱他, 那么就会和妻子办离婚... 如果他真的爱他, 那么就会等女孩毕业后娶她... 他根本就贪图女孩的美色嘛!!!! 还有, 她一直向女孩的妈妈说: "我等于帮你养女儿, 你应该感激我." 这什么话嘛?!?! 妈妈没能力养女儿吗?!?! 谁需要她养???? 真他妈的&#$%(%*#$&$%Q........ case 4 : 贱男人(他根本就不值得我称他为君子)也是已有妻子孩子的人... 自称是现代韦小宝, 对每个女人都是爱... 说什么台湾应该改法律, 不应该是一夫一妻制... 他不赞成一夫只能娶一妻的制度... 在外拈花惹草... 总共有一妻3情人... 我想他不止这数目, 因为他强调说他有能力去爱每个女人... 他给老四(一起3年)承诺说他会娶她, 生小孩... 并且已经在筹办婚礼了... 老四到最后一刻才知道原来他已经有老婆了... 至于老二(一起6年), 大老婆是同意的... (我的天啊~~~大老婆怎么会同意的?!?!) 她除了和老二在一起, 还搭上老二的妹妹(一起4年) ... 真他妈的臭男人!!! 他真以为自己是韦小宝啊?!?! 而且如今已没有多妻制度了... 他凭什么伤害我们女性朋友???? 而且评审们都看不过去了!!! 而情人们还为了他去互相伤害对方... 他有什么好?! 除了甜言蜜语还是甜言蜜语!!! 一堆谎言的贱男人... 其实她们应团结起来揍那贱男人!!! 千刀万剐都不能抵消他的罪孽... 最好就是把他给阉了!!! 看他怎么去鬼混!!! 真他妈的贱男人, 臭男人!!! 幸好最后女人们都弃他而去... 还算她们聪明, 为自己争回一口气... 女性并不一定要靠男人才能过活... 没有男人/男生的生活还是一样精彩嘛~~~ 加油, 女性朋友们, 别让男人/男生看扁... 为自己争一口气!!!! 不好意思, 在这里用了些不文雅的字眼骂贱男人... 全是因为我不懂还有什么字可以形容他们了... 这真是有损我淑女的气质!!! 嘻嘻~~~
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
I Need Yours Oppinion
my uncle have a job for me after graduation... just is a part time before i get my STPM result and enter university... it's wont get high salary, but i do not need to worry about my accommodation and my meals... just live with them and eat together... (but i think i cant go out with friends...if live with them...) but i wish to get out of parents control... include relatives................... so i plan to get a job at KL with friends... i may get higher salary of the job... and i'm free................of their control... but...the things that i worry is............................ this society is not safe anymore... got kidnapped, raped cases happen everyday... it'll make my parents worry about me if i go with friends... i'm so 'mau dun' la... wish to get out of parents control.... but scare parents worry about me... ohya...i failed in the 1st interview at genting because of i'm not tall enough... (this is just an excuse...............) this saturday they ll be at syuen hotel... erm..........should i go for 2nd interview?!?! (most of my friends are get the job at genting....)
Monday, 15 October 2007
1 day trip
we went lot of places on sat... the first place is Eye On Malaysia... it's nice...but i think night view is more nice... afterward, going to KL Tower... it's so syok at there... but raining all the day... boring... we're leaving about 6something going 1-U having dinner... after dinner, we went to One World Hotel have a look... it's so beautiful... i think the fees at there might expensive... we take lot of photos there... especially in the toilet... wahahaaa....^^
Family Gathering
yesterday having hi-tea at Legend Hotel with my BIG family... (some are absent, but still is a BIG family...) wow~~it's syok...because seldom meet them after CNY... just meet once or twice or 3times a year... btw, we ate alot yesterday... (so full.......) because the food at there is taste good...but not enough choices... if can add more it's perfect...^^ after eating, we take photo and having fun around there... we're leaving at 4pm and going to aunty mei's house waitting for dinner... (omg...we're full already, still want have dinner again?!?!) few hours later, really going to have dinner at sg. buloh... my uncle order alot of food... cant eat so's so delicious... non-stop eating... (sobsob....have to diet this few days...)