Tuesday, 25 March 2008
今天和老死们出去喝茶闲聊, 过后, 就驾着我的车到处去... 最后就停在'西湖'那儿聊天... 无聊过头还玩Truth Or Dare... 当他们问我, 为什么我会喜欢"他", 我竟答不出, 过后, 我反问自己, 为什么会喜欢他, 怎么想, 也得不到答案...
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
finally the result out... totally i failed... cant apply for local university, if private, have to think about budget and courses... dont know what course should i apply for... so confusing... have no time for me to think liao... i should make the decision before the university reopen... or i continue work as a FOA... i really dont know... anyone, please give me some comment... beside this, i have buy a new handphone with my own salary... but my mum and dad seem like unhappy about it... i dont know why are they felt so... i just get something what i want by myself, this also cant?! i didn't ask them buy for me... sigh~~~ by the way, today is my first time work 7am-3pm... i thought it's fun... but it's not... i have to facing those stupid guest in counter 7, 8 or 9... it's so stress... always complain this and that... bull shit... and hard to go away if u are in the few counters, even go to toilet... because the guest is keep coming to find u... the next few days i also work 7am-3pm... hard to pass the next few days... stress~~~ i more prefer work at command centre... it's a new experience for me... learn a lot last few days... heheee...^^
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
cried again
我又哭了, 这是我第四次为了guest哭... 上一次的guest应该是输了钱而无理取闹, 明明就没有他的booking, 应要说有, 那我就找给他啊, 可是我怎么找也找不着, supervisor来到, 却找到, 难道我见鬼吗?!?! 在之前, 他一直骂我, 我也可以忍, 可是supervisor却不帮, 相信我, 一副是我错的样子, 那个booking明明就是第二天的... 硬要说是我错, 我怎么也吞不下这口气... 是可忍, 孰不可忍... 我顿时哭了出来... 而今天的事, 是我好心帮一个新人打个电话, 却招来无妄之灾... 明明就不是我做错, 他却一直骂不停, 还说要complain我... 大佬, 做错的人又不是我, 为什么要我承受这呢??? 这真是所谓的好心没好报...