Friday, 31 October 2008
习惯放学回来书包乱丢 习惯一边吃饭一边看电视 习惯一边冲凉一边唱歌 习惯一边听歌一边读书 习惯躺着看书 习惯脱光光睡觉 习惯。。。。。。。。。 人可以有很多很多的习惯 当一个人习惯了某种东西, 就很难改掉那习惯。。。 而她也不列外 习惯了某种的生活方式 习惯了这和那。。。 当那习惯有了少许变化 她,也尝试随着那习惯而改变。。。 虽然,这不是一朝一夕就可以改变的 但她会努力。。。^^
Direct Sales
erm...just met my old friend-Sau Ching at SS2 Wong Kok... she is getting more and more pretty liao... (long long time didn't see her liao...about 2 years plus...=.=") and i got some news about my buddy from her... heheee...^^ erm...she promote the product she is using now -----> Elken... the product really good but expensive... 247bucks just for a bottle a bottle only... i cant afford since i still a student... but still joined member again...... actually i joined Elken few years ago... (ditipu punya....=.=") but i never buy any product...never... just joined because of FRIENDS... haiz... stupid la me... wasting money only... haiz... dont know how to reject... when we wanna leave, there have a table of guy looked at us... of them come to us asked for help... funny...
Thursday, 30 October 2008
erm...我有好久好久没blogging了 其实, 我有很多很多东西想写 可是每次对着电脑, 脑袋却一片空白 欲言又止...不对, 是欲‘写’又止 哈哈~~=P 这几天都不是很开心 因为今天过后, 他将会搬去朋友家住了 不再住这里了... 很不舍...可是也得舍得... 看着他的房间, 东西都收拾好了, 心里更是空空的... 这个星期日, 我小学同学结婚, 找我做姐妹...(不只是我啦, 就我们以前那班同学...) 可是, 我不大想回去... 第一, 我们的感情就只到小学六年级 上了中学, 甚少联络 一直到现在...(虽然是没什么联络, 但见面时还是会打招呼...) 第二, 没哪几个旧同学出席, 可能会很闲吧... 第三, 回去再回来的感觉肯定不一样了 少了他... 很想, 这几天都待在他身边... 哪儿都不去 可能, 大家会觉得我酱子很黏人吧 可是...我...也不懂... 就是想酱子.... 笨笨的, 傻傻的我...
Monday, 20 October 2008
just read my friend's blog... her recent post is about she and he... i remember one of the post, he asked she to change, change this and that, but he himself didn't change anything, just kept asking my friend, his GF to change... what the fuck... what does he wants actually?!?! if somebody changed, then the one will not be the real of he/she liao... guys, if your lover ask u to change, is it means that he/she does not love u anymore?? besides that, my friend get scolded just because of a small thing... what the fuck... somemore, it is not her fault... he himself failed to do it, but blamed my friend... what the fuck... he really sucks... he is a redwood person, if get marry, i'm sure my friend will not happy... luckily, they broke up liao... although it is hurt, but it is much more better if still continue the relationship... 长痛不如短痛。。。 ok la, just wish my friend recover earlier from the pain...
Friday, 17 October 2008
他的戒指不见了,我找了好几遍, 还是找不着。。。 心里头有莫名的失落感。。。 回房坐在电脑面前发呆。。。 突然,听到熟悉的声音, 他回来了,回来找戒指。。。 找了片刻,还是没有。。。 而他也离开了,赴约去。。。 过后,我sms他,问他这戒指是否对他很重要。。。 他的回答,让我开始胡思乱想了, 想这戒指有什么意义呢?! 想些有的没的,感觉上酸溜溜的, 我在吃戒指的醋。。。=.=" 我告诉自己,这只是一枚普通的饰品,没什么意义不意义的, 可是,还是忍不住去想。。。 唉~这笨笨的脑袋瓜,到底在装些什么啦。。。 我不死心,又再找,但还是找不着,垂着头回房去。。。 过后收到他的短信, 原来,戒指在他的车里。。。 哈哈~~=P 真是‘大头虾’。。。
Thursday, 16 October 2008
erm...quite a long time didn't update my blog liao... sure all of u wait until neck long liao... hahaaa...just kidding...=P then let me slowly slowly post out all the things, ok..?? heheee...first, i am happy because i gather with a guy that i love and he love me also... i really happy to be with him...^^ ok, let's talk about my studies... my uni reopen almost a week liao, but i still in holiday mood... hahaaaa...=P dont feel like studying... everytime in lecture or tutorial class, feel like sleeping only... zzz...really a pig...\(^@^)/ just today, didn't fall asleep when lecture or tutorial was on... heheee... but i fall asleep when got an hour break... hahaaaa....=P
Monday, 6 October 2008
有个女孩,她从小就是个爱哭宝宝, 当她渐渐长大,变得很独立了。。。 生病了,自己骑脚踏车去看医生; 肚子饿了,自己煮面,或者出去打包。。。 基于她从小就很独立了,也养成往外面跑的习惯, 不喜欢待在家里。。。 所以无论她去哪里,她都不喜欢让父母载, 不管是烈日当空,还是狂风暴雨, 她都会骑着脚踏车到处去。。。 上了中学,参加很多社团, Prefect, St John, Leo Club, Chinese Club, Koperasi, Badminton Club, PRS.... 她更是强,在各个社团都有优异的表现, 也不曾为了琐碎的事而哭。。。 可是,她渐渐长大,感觉疲惫了, 更是变成一个爱哭鬼。。。 但她也都只是在姐妹们面前哭泣。。。 当她再长大了点,不管任何时间,任何地点, 只要她想哭,她就会哭了。。。 表面看来,她比任何人都来得强, 每天都傻里傻气的,嘻嘻哈哈的笑, 其实内心却是比任何人都还要脆弱。。。 她多希望, 当她哭泣时,有个肩膀让她倚靠; 当她不开心,有个肩膀陪伴着它; 当她疲惫时,有个肩膀把她撑起; 当她开心时,有个肩膀分享她的快乐。。。 她,找到她要的肩膀。。。
等待可以很幸福,但也可以很痛苦。。。 妻子烧了一桌好菜,等待丈夫的归来,乃是件幸福的事; 可是,等到三更半夜,也盼不到丈夫回家,乃是折磨人心呐。。。 从前,有个女孩并不介意搭车去赴约,只为见男友一面。。。 可是,他却一次又一次地让她等, 而她也相信,终有一天男友会等她。。。 有一天,他离她而去, 她还是相信,他会回来,一直在等他。。。 但这个希望永远都不会实现了。。。 数年后,这个女孩遇见了另一个男生-K。。。 她还是一样,一直等待约会的日子。。。 好不容易等到那天,男友还是要她等, 让她一个人在车站,她也没一句怨言。。。 两个月后,满心欢喜的等待她生日的到来, 每天在倒数,为的只是想见他一面。。。 可是,她的等待又再一次被幻灭了。。。 他,宁可帮朋友庆生,也不愿庆祝女友的生日。。。 可是,她还是相信他,还打算去找他。。。 又再一次等待那天的到来, 她如期地到他工作的地方,打算给他个惊喜。。。 可是,他却有惊无喜, 她相信他应该是累了。。。 万万没想到,就在第二天,他向她提出分手了。。。 每次的等待,都让女孩受伤了, 可她还是相信,她的等待是值得的。。。 渐渐的,她不敢再相信等待了, 不敢再抱太大的希望了, 只因她怕再次受到伤害。。。
Sunday, 5 October 2008
erm...创作并不是我的强项, 我想我还是比较适合吹水。。。 哈哈~~ 那我们就来吹吹水吧。。。 吹什么好呢?! 其实我蛮好奇两性之间的事, 那今天的主题就是-主动和被动。。。 自古以来,我们都有一个观念, 那就是男生永远都是主动的那一方, 而女生就处于被动的一方。。。 在这个21世纪的社会,已不再流行男方主动了, 女生们已经开始主动出击了。。。 当她们遇到自己喜欢的男生,不会再坐以待毙了, 因为与其等待爱情来找她们,不如先入主为强。。。 我,也曾经主动过, 可是,往往男生不会珍惜他所拥有的, 而我的恋爱也告吹了。。。 试问我的男生朋友们, 如果有一天,有一位女生向你们表白, 而你们对她没什么感觉 你们会拒绝还是答应呢? 男生的思想我不大理解, 有的可能会很坚决的拒绝; 有的可能会想,既然有人自动送上门,就答应玩玩。。。 那你又是哪一种呢? 如果,那女的也是玩玩,应该没什么大碍; 可如果那女的是认真的,岂不是伤害了她?? 我在这奉劝男士们,虽然是女生主动, 但也别得寸进尺,得珍惜所拥有的, 要不然,后悔的可是你自己。。。
erm...since i have nothing to do, then just write something like spring melody... heheee...^^ but it's not as good as him la... just cincai cincai write de... 心动 当我在远方看到你时,心有莫名的悸动。。。 你,渐渐的靠近,心更是砰砰地跳, 而我的脸,也不知觉的红了。。。 我,开始注意你的一举一动; 我,开始关心你的一切; 我,看到你和别的女生一起,我会吃醋; 我,希望你可以多关心我; 我,盼望你可以牵起我的手。。。 我到底是怎么了, 是否对你动了心? hahaaa~~just can write this only... dont know how to continue liao... friends, please give me some comment, ok?^^
went to my 7th aunt 25th wedding anniversary dinner on wednesday... erm...quite excited because can meet uncles aunties and cousins... can consider as a family gathering also... heheee...^^ but...few of our cousins were not attend, no perfect liao... but then we still enjoy chit chatting with each others...^^ erm...when we arrived there, all of my aunties came over, said, 'Ting, 你好像长肉了, 你姐就瘦了.' zzz...=.=" so hurt...really get fat liao... should keep fit le...sobsob... erm...actually i plan to back Kampar after the dinner, but my cousin-Ru asked us to stay one more night... because planned to hang out after dinner... heheee...^^ we planned to go Asia Cafe play pool, but it's far far away from the hotel we going to stay... so just changed to the place where is in KL... and in the end, i decided to stay back... wahahaaa...^^ after the dinner, went to check-in first... but something happen, the receptionist not allow us to check in on behalf... what the hell... and Ru became fussy...wahahaaa... i understand why cannot, but she also not allow us verify identity thru phone... what the fuck... called my 7th aunt(Ru's mom...heheee...), let her talk to the receptionist... after few minutes, all settle liao... wahahaaa...^^ after got the room, hang out with cousins-KaiMeng, Ru, Yan, Yuki, Lune and her bf-David... thought to go club, but hor...i left my IC in my sis' bag... and they already left KL, arrived Kampar liao... what the hell... then no choice lor... went to Luna Bar, no more club...=.=" luckily, the bar we went quite nice... all of us love the environment there... it's located at rooftop of a building(dont know what building is it...) can see the night view of KL city(nice~~~) and got a pool at the center(feel like jump into the pool...=P) heheeee...^^ feel relax at there...^^ Ru ordered a bottle of Chivas... (walau~~Chivas again...=.=") hahaaaaa...this time, i can drank 4 cups... of course, mixed with coke de...=P but after 4 cups, felt wing wing liao... wahahaaaa...=P about 1smth, left the bar, back to hotel and rest... the next morning, went to Sunway Pyramid... wore high heels shoes to shopping... i think i siao liao, wore this to walked so long...=.=" but no choice, i didn't bring any clothes and shoes because planned not to stay over night at first... of course, we need to have our brunch before shopping... so, went to Italianies... 4 of us ordered a Chicken Salad, 2 bowl of Soup, Classic Pizza & Salmon Fish Pasta... it's taste good, especially the salad and pasta... love it the most... but we cant finish all... so...just da bao lor, if not wasted nia... after brunch, shop shop around, but i didn't buy anything since have no mood to shop... because wore a pair of uncomfortable shoes... and the shop they went in, 'ng ngam' me... heheeee...=P erm...we left Sunway Pyramid about 3pm... thought to back Kampar immediately, but then, my 9th aunt still haven't come back with others aunts... so have to wait for her... about 5pm only left PJ... tired~~